Awakening sf-2 Read online

Page 5

  “Well, that's pretty much all of them, time to get the hell out of here,” Captain Valance said as much to himself as to anyone else as he double checked the maxjack's status. “Boarding crews; report secure when you've managed to get behind a bulkhead.”

  “Meeting resistance further inside sir,” Stephanie shouted as she ducked behind the first corner after entering the airlock.

  “They're not on internal sensors,” she heard Ramirez report through her subdermal communicator.

  “Their vacsuits most likely block out any passive scans and conceal thermal profiles,” she replied, peeking around a corner using the electronic eye on the end of her rifle. It sent the images it was recording to a small semitransparent display in her faceplate. Their opponents were in military vacsuits. They weren't just crew members trying to keep boarders off the ship. A moment later they fired at the tip of her weapon, missing but making their point regardless. “Sir, they're in a better position than we are. I'll try to fix that.”

  She pulled two round devices out of her thigh pocket, activated them both and rolled them around the corner. The soldiers behind her, four new recruits and one crew member from the Samson didn't even recognize the little machines. A moment later the hallway was filled with pulse weapon fire and after ten seconds an explosion rang out. Before the dust had settled Stephanie rolled out into the hallway and began firing. “Take the next corridor!” She shouted.

  Only three of the enemy soldiers were down on the floor, two of them had been killed by the pulse grenades energy bolts, the third had been caught by the fragments when they exploded. Stephanie ordered two of the younger boarding crewmen ahead. “Fire on anything that moves.”

  They rushed the next corridor and a grenade came sliding down the hallway at them. Stephanie reacted immediately. “Back!” She shouted as she was almost around the corner. The rear view display on her headpiece showed that one of the new recruits was just about to kick the grenade back down the hall. “No! Don't!” Just as she got around the corner the toe of his boot hit one of the detonation triggers dead on.

  He and the crewman beside him were killed instantly. That left her with two new recruits and March, the only experienced boarding crewman she had brought along. She looked to him and nodded. “Grenades. We'll push them back and seal ourselves in.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Give us your grenades,” ordered the new boarding party members, they both looked terrified. After a moment one of them handed three standard fragmentation grenades to Stephanie and the other handed one to March, who looked at him in disbelief. “Really? One grenade?”

  The corridor came to life with cover fire, making the corner impassible. March shrugged, set the grenade he had been given on a two second timer and tossed it with a flick of his wrist, leaving their opponents no time to react. The explosion put an end to the incoming pulse weapon fire.

  “-unning out of time!” Stephanie heard through her communicator, it was the Captain.

  “Working on it. We're almost safe!” Stephanie called back. She fired around the corner blindly with her rifle on full automatic, filling the hallway with energy rounds. March followed her lead and moved around the corner. When he started firing she moved in place beside him. They started walking down the hall slowly and stopped firing. One of the soldiers peeked around the corner. Stephanie and March both caught him in the forehead with a single shot.

  Stephanie bounced a grenade against the far wall and around the corner. The sounds of shuffling ahead told her that it was a good shot and before two seconds had passed it went off. “Newbies! Move up!” She called out.

  The new boarding crew members ran up behind them with rifles ready. Instead of peeking around the corner herself she tossed her last fragmentation grenade down the next hallway on a three second fuse.

  “Everyone back!” They heard someone shout, but it was far too late. The abrupt explosion silenced all the shuffling in the next hallway and when they stepped around the corner they could see that the charge had taken out at least five soldiers.

  Stephanie and March didn't let their guards down, but took the next hall in a rush. It was clear. She activated a basic control panel at the far end of the corridor and closed an emergency blast door. “You get the one at the other end, March.”

  He nodded and hurried to close the blast door at the other end of the hallway, sealing them into the section so they would be safe in hyperspace to plan their next move.

  “Secure!” Came Stephanie's report through the bridge sound system.

  “We'll be a minute,” Ramirez said.

  “Finn, how are we for entering hyperspace?” Asked the Captain.

  “Fine, we lost three up here though. We'll be in cramped quarters as well. We lost the aft berth.”

  “I have wireless noise incoming,” Cynthia reported. “Looks like several ships.”

  “I don't see anything on gravitational sensors,” said Ashley's copilot.

  “Well, something's coming in. Our intelligence might have been wrong about that ship being alone,” Captain Valance commented. “Anything yet, navigation?”

  “Wait. Big gravity coming in!”

  “Ramirez! We are out of time!”

  “We're just getting secure now sir, give us ten seconds.”

  “Ashley, fire it up, get ready to head into hyperspace,” Captain Valance ordered.

  Just as he finished a much larger ship arrived from hyperspace right behind them. “Regent Galactic deep space destroyer, the Cray right behind us sir,” navigation reported.

  “Ramirez?” Captain Valance asked impatiently.

  “Secure!” He replied.

  “Are you sure? Because we could just wait here to be boarded.”

  “I'm sure sir.”

  “Get us out of here.”

  Ashley fired the engines and gradually brought them up to full power, turning the large hauler and her cargo train into their planned course.

  “Incoming communication from the Cray. They're demanding we power down and prepare to be boarded or they'll be forced to destroy us.” Cynthia reported.

  “You know, for once I wish they'd just call to say hello,” Ashley said as she made some fine adjustments. “Hyperspace in three, two, one.”


  The Clever Dream emerged from a wormhole at the edge of Euphoria Universal space. It was a solar system with twenty three terraforming operations under way and more bases than anyone could count.

  Alice was at the controls and looked over the initial navigation data. “They're not very busy at this end. Strange.”

  “The Hart News database says there is a trade embargo in place under the direction of one of the neighbouring systems,” Lewis replied. “Incoming transmission, I'll put it on a display.”

  A blocky holographic head representing an artificial intelligence appeared at her right hand. “Welcome to Ara Enormis. Please state your purpose.”

  The name of the largest base in the outer solar system always made her smile. It translated as 'large irregular rock' from Latin and if there was a better description she couldn't imagine what it was. It was also the oldest base in the system and had been hollowed out so much over the years that there wasn't much rock left.

  The slowly turning base was difficult to measure, but there was enough room for six cities with millions of residents, thousands of private docking bays, two large ship construction yards, dozens of factories and harvesting stations. When the planets closer to the center of the solar system were ready for colonization tens of thousands of colonists would move from Ara Enormis and start a new life. After the first wave of colonists were finished preparing the planet for settlement hundreds of thousands would invariably follow.

  She brought up the hologram of the massive base of operations and shook her head. They had brought in several smaller asteroids so they could be mined just a few kilometres away.

  “I'm here to visit friends and refuel. I won't be around for more than a few days.”r />
  “Are you certain? We are always willing to welcome young people to join the Euphoria Universal community.”

  “I'm sure. Just passing through.”

  “Do you require lodgings or docking facilities?”

  “No thank you. Someone's going to take care of me. Transmitting identification and registration,” she selected which identity and ship registration she would use and sent the information.

  “You're using your real name?” Lewis asked.

  “Yup, I figure it's time for Alice Valent to make a reappearance. If Jonas decides to look for me he'll have a much easier time tracking me down.”

  “So will Meunez. I see no reason why he would abandon his search.”

  “Vindyne is gone, they're selling pieces off and their territory is in chaos. How would he continue?”

  “His search for you seemed quite personal. If anything, I'd say he would be even more dedicated to finding you.”

  “I don't think so. He'd at least be a little distracted for a while. It's too late anyway, I've already sent my ident in with reference to the alias I used here before.”

  “I understand the urge for you to find the man who created you, and your frustration with using fake names but I am only suggesting that you keep things quiet. I couldn't stand seeing you come to harm,” Lewis said with concern.

  “I know, but there's got to be a time to be out in the open.”

  “Speaking of which, I just finished receiving the latest burst from Hart News. It seems you're not the only one coming out into the open.”

  “Play it later, I should contact Wendy and her crew. Put me through to her company's comnet.”

  “As you wish.”

  Alice waited for a response to her transmission and a moment later a gruff looking older woman came up on her two dimensional display. “Mark and Catch Salvage Company. How can I help?”

  “I'm looking for Wendy Lecteur. She used to run the Airless. ”

  “She still does. They're out on a job.”

  “Can you tell her Sasha is visiting and give her my comm number?”

  “Sure, why not?” said the woman before cutting the transmission.

  “Funny, I find there are far many more rude biological beings than there are artificial personalities, but there are more artificial intelligences in the Galaxy.” Lewis commented.

  “That's because we want artificial intelligences to be worth talking to for the most part.”

  “While most biological personalities aren't worth talking to.”

  “I wouldn't say that.”

  “Would you like me to initiate communications with Bruce Fillion?”

  Alice thought for a long moment. “He's still listed here?”

  “It says this is still his home port and he checked in a week ago.”

  “Let's take a look at that Hart News burst you finished downloading.”

  “So you don't want me to inform Bruce you're in the system?”


  “You haven't had extended contact with another human being in quite some time now. I think he'd be happy to see you.”

  “I'm not so sure about that.”

  “It's only that I've noticed your overall well being improves when you have had enjoyable human company for a time. I'm sure your sudden departure would be forgiven.”

  “Drop it Lewis. Did anything about Jonas come up in Hart News?” Alice asked impatiently.

  “It did, actually. He's done a recruitment advertisement for the Aucharian Government. He's the spokesperson for their Privateering initiative.”


  “Someone matching your description has been added to the Aucharians missing persons database as well. They only list you as Alice with no last name.”

  “He's looking for me,” she said quietly. The relief that washed over her brought tears to her eyes.

  “That's a reasonable assumption. Are you all right Alice?”

  She wiped her tears away and laughed. “I'm more than all right. With the fuel we have can we make it to that transmissions point of origin?”

  “We would run out approximately half way there. We don't have the funds to purchase enough Xetima either.”

  “I can't wait to get a collector and an energy converter kit added onto the hull.”

  “We couldn't afford that either.”

  “I know. Well, we'll have to find some work here. I'm sure Wendy will have something for us. But first I need to see this recruitment video.”

  Lewis brought the recruitment video up on the main cockpit display.

  Alice watched it wide eyed. The man she had known was there but there was a depth of dedication that was completely new. When he said he intended to do harm she believed him and was convinced that whatever harm he intended would be huge. The holographic recording finished and she sighed. “I think privateering is about to become very popular.”

  “The statistics provided state that over three hundred ships have signed on.”

  “Three hundred?”

  “Yes. The Aucharians are offering letters of marque and general pardons to everyone with an armed vessel. Several captured Vindyne and Triad Consortium ships are among the new joiners.”

  “How big is the war over there now?”

  “There are currently nine solar systems marked as combat zones and over forty three points within those systems flagged as long term engagement areas.”

  “That's huge.”

  “It's the largest example of combat since the third fall of man.”

  “You're right, here's hoping we're not headed for another dark age.”

  “With the collapse of several sectors, the failing infrastructure on uncountable worlds thanks to the void left by Vindyne and the Triad Consortium, the likelihood is that billions of beings will experience that kind of strife within the next few months.”

  “Well, it figures that Jonas would find himself in the middle.” The communications panel beside her lit up.

  “Captain Lecteur on the line for you,” Lewis reported.

  Alice brought her up on a small holographic projector. She was wearing a heavy vacsuit without the headpiece. Her round face was split by a great big smile. “Sasha! How are you?”

  “Pretty good, how about you?” Alice answered.

  “Great, just brought in our first really good salvage in weeks. What brings you back this way?”

  “I'm headed spinward on personal business. I'm a little low on fuel and have been cooped up for weeks.”

  “If I had my own Arcyn Starskipper I wouldn't mind being cooped up for weeks.”

  “It's not as much fun without a crew.”

  “Still solo? We'll have to talk about that. I'll have the company set you up with a place to park.”

  “Thanks Wendy, see you on base.”

  “She seemed very happy to see you,” Lewis commented after the channel closed.

  “Yup. That probably means I figure into a plan she's been cooking,” the trajectory and landing instructions came up on Alice's console and she unlocked the pilot controls.

  “Are you sure she wasn't just glad to see you?”

  “Well, Wendy and I did have a lot of fun for a couple months here,” Alice started piloting the ship along the trajectory she had been given. “Not that much fun though. Hopefully whatever it is means enough work to get our tanks full.”

  The landing bays for the Mark and Catch Salvage Company included two levels. One was a larger open bay for medium sized vessels and the other was a closed, compressed bay for smaller ships like the Clever Dream. To her surprise Alice was instructed to wait until Captain Lecteur met her at her ship before disembarking.

  It didn't bother her, Alice was eager to look for any reports of the Samson or Jake Valance's activities. The only lead she had was that his new home port was most likely in or near the Enreega system, the home of the Aucharians. She wanted nothing more than to just take off and make her best speed there, but even if she started selling furniture and th
e few other luxuries she had she wouldn't make it.

  The only options she had were to find work that might lead her in that direction and provide enough cash for fuel or sell the Clever Dream and make her way via standard transport. Selling her ship was out of the question.

  Time passed quickly as she browsed news reports and ran searches for Jake. Before she knew it forty minutes had passed and Wendy Lecteur was at her gangway. “How's it going Sasha? Or should I say Alice?” She asked as she walked up the ramp.

  “Good. Drifting, but good,” Alice said as she met her with a hug.

  “Drifting? You're out of work? There's got to be a story behind that.”

  “Actually, Alice is my real name. I had to use Sasha my last time through.”

  “Well, it didn't work for long. Someone came through looking for you in the worst way after you disappeared.”

  Alice led the way back down the gangway with Wendy in tow. It closed behind them. “Did they get to anyone?”

  “Well, everyone with M amp;S was fine. They couldn't get to us with corporate backing. Bruce disappeared along with a couple other freelancers for a few days though. We were worried until he turned up.”

  “Oh no, how is he?”

  “He's all right now I think. It's been a year or so but he still won't talk about it. He hasn't hooked up with anyone since either.”

  “I wish I didn't have to disappear.”

  “Don't worry, I get it. You didn't leave anyone here hangin' either. The Company doesn't much care. They just don't want you out there with a price on your head while you're working for them.”

  “So Bruce is really okay now?” Alice asked quietly as they walked through the quiet hangar. The dimmed lights told her they were on night cycle.

  “You mean could you walk up to the Blue Skipper and expect a warm welcome? I don't know, he doesn't talk about you, even if someone brings your name up in conversation. He just gets quiet.”

  “I should have warned him they could come after him for being close to me. Maybe I should just stay away.”

  “On the other hand he hasn't been with anyone I've seen since you disappeared. Go see him. Sure he'll be pissed at first, but it might help if he sees you're in one piece.”