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Awakening sf-2 Page 4
Awakening sf-2 Read online
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Ayan Rice, as he knew her, was a kind, intelligent and driven young woman half his age, in her mid to late thirties. The search for a cure went on, but no news of new treatments had arrived since they departed Freeground half a year ago.
When the first message about Jonas Valent arrived, Major Rice had assumed command and guided their engine tests towards the Thadd system. It would take them less than three weeks to get there, even using some of the new technology, but she needed to try and reach him even though the chance of Freeground calling them back was high. He didn't agree with her motivation or the change of course, and entered his objection into the record, but she was his senior officer, and her assumption of command removed him from any potential repercussions.
The order to turn around had come three days ago, and Major Rice had relinquished command even though it wasn't necessary for her to do so. Not even she would jeopardize the Special Projects Program by disregarding a direct order. It would most likely be her legacy, after all.
“I'll review the details from Fleet Intelligence in your ready room if that's all right,” Ayan said quietly.
“Be my guest,” he invited.
She walked to the back of the busy bridge followed closely by Laura. The ready room was brightly lit and its furniture was white and gold. The first thing she did whenever she used the room was dim the lights. The colours, or lack thereof, gave her a headache.
Ayan eased herself into one of the desk chairs. She was a small woman, under five foot four and was a little underweight for her size but after standing for a few hours she felt like she weighed a ton. Sitting down felt so good. “Bring up the transmission again, we need to look at Freeground Intelligence's assessment and response if there was one.”
“Are you sure you shouldn't be laying down?” Laura asked as she took a seat across from her and brought up the information.
Ayan shot her a look. “I got enough of that from Doctor Anderson before he left.”
The recruitment hologram for Aucharians privateering effort came up between them. Ayan paused it and brought up a list of attachments from Freeground. “The time stamp confirms it, this transmission was originally broadcast eight days ago. At least we know where his home port is.”
“I know you want to bring him back, or at least show him the way back home, but what if he's so heavily reprogrammed that there just isn't any Jonas left? He's been gone so long that Vindyne could have done anything to him.”
“I've seen the security footage and the records Intelligence were able to dig up. I know he's not the same, but if this is him, and everything I am tells me it is, I need him to know he has a home. That there are people who care about him.”
“Look at how different he is. The Jonas I knew isn't the man I'm seeing there.”
“Look at his armour. Those strands of metal aren't just extra protection. They're emitters. Remind you of anything?” Ayan pointed out as she brought up a still image from the recruitment video. “And I gave him that scarf when we were just getting close.”
“I remember,” Laura zoomed in a little closer so she could examine the strands of metal on his chest. “I'll be, those are just a bigger version of the emitters I was redesigning into the cloaksuits on the First Light. I never finished it, but I know he got a look at my specs.”
“He remembers something and I just hope that we can help him remember more.”
“If you send him anything from all the way out here it could be intercepted by almost anyone. You'd be giving them whatever information you intend for him.”
Ayan stared at the image of Jake Valance. Her frustration threatened to bubble to the surface. “Almost eight years. He sacrificed everything so we could make it home. Now we know how to get to him and we're sitting on the fastest ship in the fleet.”
“We can't turn around again, you know-”
“I know our orders. We have to get the prototype drive system back to Freeground so they can examine it and put the Midland back into service.”
“Meanwhile Oz is taking command of the First-”
“She's the Sunspire again, now that she's in the regular fleet.”
Laura went on. “Like I was saying; Oz is taking the Sunspire and going after him. You know he'll be home in no time.”
“It'll take them seven weeks to get there, even with a wormhole.”
“That's unless we take the Special Projects team aboard and implement a version of the wormhole hyperdrive technology. It's the only thing missing on her. You know fleet would go for it, especially since the Sunspire is going to be a front line carrier again.”
“Well, that would give you a reason to join the crew,” Ayan said, her mood lifting a little.
“Jason could put in for a transfer from his post in Fleet Intelligence, she's an important ship.”
“I'm sure Oz would love to have you guys aboard his bridge. It's too bad I can't work with the crew in engineering.”
“You won't be able to get a post in engineering but if you're directing Special Projects you can work from your quarters if you like.”
“It was a miracle they cleared me for this trip. If I managed to get clear for another it would be as a short term passenger.”
Laura took her long time friend's hands in hers. “You have to come. You're the closest he has to real family.”
“It's like our time aboard the First Light was a dream sometimes. He was just learning to be a Captain, we were just learning to be with each other.”
“They still study some of our engagements at the academy. You should see the faces of the nuggets when the instructors tell them that we crewed that ship with only two hundred. The Fleet wants him back, you need him back, and everyone who served on Captain Valent's bridge feels like they're missing a member of their family.”
“I just feel like I'm running out of time.”
It was something Laura tried not to think about. Her friend was dying. The genetic flaws that had been embedded into Ayan before she was born were causing her internal organs to slowly fail. Replacement and regeneration were only delaying the inevitability. Cures were still months or years off. “Positively, you have to think positively.”
Ayan forced a smile and nodded. “I know.”
“We'll find him and you'll have plenty of time to remind him of where he comes from.”
“I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid or crazy in the meantime.”
Stupid or Crazy
The Bridge of the Bakersfield was a modest, clean and simple space. There was a pilot's station, communications, navigation and engineering. Captain Tasha Pauley had been in Jake Valance's employ as her Captain for over two years. He had never asked anything special of her or the crew.
All she had to do was take on safe, legal cargo, transport it, collect the cash and send him his share. It was easy work, if not the most exciting job she ever had. Excitement wasn't something she craved any longer, however. She had served on the Samson before retiring to the Bakersfield and saw plenty of action.
When he contacted her and asked that they perform one task for the Samson and leave the sector her curiosity was piqued despite the sense of dread she kept suppressed. The offer he had for her was enormous.
She had moved into the Bakersfield, more than anywhere else in the universe it was home to her and he knew it. For three quarters of what the ship was worth he was willing to sell it to her. With the partnership of her pilot she accepted the offer.
This short trip would be the last time she would take orders from Captain Valance. Part of her was relieved, but to her surprise she realized she would miss him. Even though they never ran into real trouble as a hauler, it was good knowing that he was there to bail them out if they needed help.
“ Bakersfield in position. Welcome to the Ishuss system Captain Valance,” she said as the ship came out of hyperspace.
“Nice flying Bakersfield. Just drop your cargo in the right direction and you can move on to your next destination,” replied Captain Valance. Th
e Samson was hiding inside the old cargo container that stretched out behind the larger cargo hauler.
“Right away sir. It was a pleasure being in your service.”
“Good luck out there,” Jake replied.
The Bakersfield released the cargo container and moved off mere seconds later, accelerating straight into hyperspace. The abandoned cargo container drifted and rotated slowly just ahead of the empty area of space most often used by starships decelerating out of hyperspace and shedding the energized particles that enshrouded their ships. The Ishuss system had designated that area as the primary emergence point. There were several quickly orbiting planets with dozens of moons, so most Captains kept to the safe, clear area.
Ashley took the spare moment to stretch as her new navigator, a younger man with dusty blond hair, looked at her nervously. “Now what do we do?” He asked in a hushed whisper.
“We wait. Captain said this hauler we're after should be along soon.”
“I know. I read the brief and heard what he said. But what do we do while we're waiting?”
“You see that light?” She said, pointing to a red light on his console.
“Count how many times it blinks,” she teased with a grin.
Finn couldn't help but chuckle as Cynthia shook her head.
Captain Valance didn't show any amusement or irritation. His manner was calm and neutral. “Stay sharp everyone. We can't afford to commit to this action without being prepared.”
Several minutes passed in silence. Ashley was looking at her controls, calmly going through the flight checklist in her head. Finn was looking over the reports from engineering. The new tactical officer — Daryl Garretty was his name — was reviewing the instructions he had received for the maxjack and Cynthia was watching for any new transmission sources. Captain Valance sat calmly, resting his chin on his interwoven knuckles.
“I see wireless noise,” Cynthia reported.
“Gravity distortion off our starboard side,” reported navigation excitedly.
“How far out?” Captain Valance asked.
“Nine seconds.”
“Everyone get ready.”
For some the few seconds before the Lilla came out of hyperspace were too few. For the seasoned crew of the Samson there were just enough time to take one deep breath before everyone got a chance to play their part.
The deep space hauler, Lilla came out of hyperspace a few kilometres away from the point predicted. For several minutes they barely moved.
“What are our passive sensors picking up?” Asked Captain Valance.
“Twenty two aboard, all systems running except for weapons, no shield emitters. The cargo train is reading fully loaded. Just over two kilometres,” replied the new tactical officer.
“Their weaponry consists of rocket launchers, they don't need to be charged,” Finn corrected. “They have three launch turrets, two of which they can point at us if we approach from above.”
“All right, we'll give them a chance to start accelerating towards the system interior.”
“Sir, I'm picking up a thermal reading from inside our ship,” Finn reported. “It looks like someone's bringing our engines online early, trying to shut it down.”
“Too late, bring it all on line. Get us out of this storage container, there goes our surprise. Whoever did that is getting left behind at the nearest safe port. For now, let's just try to get this done.”
The rear end of the cargo container hiding the Samson blew apart in all directions, drifting away in small pieces. Ashley fired the engines, backing the ship out into the clear. She spun the Samson so the upper side faced the Lilla then began accelerating in the direction of the much larger vessel. “Beginning hard three second burn. Bring the shields up now please.”
The tactical officer nearly jumped and brought all the shields online as quickly as he could. “Sorry!” He replied. Alarms began going off, the power systems couldn't handle such a sudden drain. It was something he had been warned about more than once. Garretty floundered, near panic trying to figure out what he had done wrong.
Captain Valance stood up and tossed the young officer aside, taking the controls and sending more power to the dorsal shields, reducing power to the rest of the emitters. The sensors at the tactical station warned that missiles were firing. “Incoming!” Was all he had the chance to say.
The ship rattled only slightly, but everyone could hear the inertial dampener systems straining to compensate for the force of the impact. He checked the damage. “Flip us around Ash! We lost an emitter and we have a hull breach.”
Ashley flipped the ship end over end so the maxjack was aimed perfectly at the port side of the cargo hauler and began decelerating.
The tactical officer picked himself up off the deck and tried to take his station, butting right in beside Captain Valance, trying to step in front of him. Jake elbowed him in the chest so hard he was sent across the deck onto his back. “You touch my ship again and I'll strap you to the bow for the ride home!”
“Impact in three, two-” shouted the navigator.
Captain Valance barely had the maxjack ready in time, but the main heavy grappler claws compensated for the impact and grabbed hold of the other ship's hull like an eagle's talon around the neck of a fish. He looked over to Finn who was checking hull stress.
“We're good sir.” Finn said hurriedly. “With your permission I'd like to go help secure the breach and check damage.”
“Go, they need you more back there.”
The tactical officer looked at Finn helplessly; “What do I do?” he asked as he shrugged helplessly.
“Get off the bridge!” Captain Valance snapped. “Go putty that breach with your worthless ass for all I care!”
Finn shook his head and quickly left the bridge, hauling the tactical officer behind him. “Follow directions, watch everything, stay safe,” he informed the slightly younger fellow.
“Ramirez, how is your op going?” Captain Valance asked.
“We're just sailing the solar breeze sir, almost right where we want to be.”
“Be aware, the maxjack is firing.”
“We're clear. Don't worry about us,” reassured Ramirez.
“Cynthia, inform Lilla command; they are to shut down systems and abandon ship.”
“I'll send it, but I don't think they'll like it,” she said as she watched the engineering station for hull stress problems as Finn had instructed the day before and operated communications at the same time.
Captain Valance checked the maxjack's hold on the ship and manipulated the other, more fine sets of arms to reinforce their attachment.
“ Samson, we are part of a convoy. The rest of our group is not far behind. Your capture will not succeed and our escort will fire on you,” came the reply over the bridge speaker system.
“Cut communications,” ordered Captain Valance. “Firing maxjack.”
The plasma cutters began making a hole in the Lilla's hull. At first the armour was resistant, but after he managed to focus the white hot jets of plasma the going went much easier. After less than a minute he was almost finished. “Stephanie, get set for boarding action.”
“All set down here.”
“Ramirez, are you ready?”
“Yes sir, the packages are in place and we're ready. The bridge staff are in for one hell of a light show.”
“Good. Patch in to our communications with the Lilla. You'll know when it's showtime.” Captain Valance looked to Cynthia and nodded. She opened a channel between the bridge and the Lilla. “This is Captain Valance operating under the authority of the Aucharian Government. Abandon your vessel in a quick and orderly fashion or we will take further action.”
“If you're sending a boarding party through that hole you're making, it'll take you hours to get to our command center,” replied someone from the other ship.
“We're working on another entry point. Allow me to demonstrate.”
Ramirez took that
as the signal, judging from the sounds over the communicator. There were several loud pops followed by the sound of cracking and creaking.
“Oh no,” Ashley said quietly, turning to face the captain.
The unmistakable sounds of atmosphere being pulled out of a hole and screaming came through the speaker system and then there was silence. Absolute dead silence.
“Ramirez, that was supposed to be a warning. The command crew were supposed to be scared, not spaced.”
“Oops,” was his only response.
“Get in there and check the bridge. See if you can patch into their internal comm system. Stephanie, start your boarding action as soon as the maxjack's airlock is secure.”
“Frost was our demolitions guy. I took an educated guess,” Ramirez tried to explain.
“Let's just hope some of them were smart enough to wear their vacsuits on the bridge,” Captain Valance replied.
“Hooking into the comm system now,” Ramirez said a moment later. “You can address the crew sir.”
“Crew of the Regent Galactic Cargo Hauler Lilla. We have decompressed the bridge of your ship and disposed of the command crew. We also have an armed party boarding your vessel. You are hereby ordered to abandon ship. Any resistance will be met with lethal force,” Captain Valance sealed the airlock of the maxjack onto the hole he had made and pressurized it. “You're clear to board Stephanie. Ramirez, see if your team can use internal sensors to tell Stephanie where to expect trouble.”
“Aye sir.”
They waited for several minutes. Stephanie got through the airlock with her mixed team of experienced boarding crew and members recruited from the Aucharian port. “There's no welcoming committee, moving inside,” she reported.
“We have three small craft leaving the cargo hauler,” reported navigation.
“Get a profile. Are they fighters or escape craft?” Asked Captain Valance.
“Here, let me show you,” Ashley said, leaning over to the navigator's station. “There, now your scanners are linked with our database.”
“They're escape craft sir,” the navigator reported. “Looks like five aboard each and a fourth just came up with three aboard.”