Spinward Fringe Broadcast 3 Page 15
“You're jealous,” Ashley giggled. “You couldn't stop looking at them last night, I knew it.”
“I'd be just as likely to sleep with Grace as Frost.”
“Well, I can see why, she's really something.”
“You're completely missing my point. I'm not into that loud mouthed pain in the ass. I mean, Frost?” Stephanie shuddered exaggeratedly.
Ashley laughed and put a sympathetic hand on Stephanie's shoulder. “Aw, next time I see them together I'll hose them down. Would that make you feel better?”
Stephanie gave her a look of frustration and confusion. “Hose them down?”
“Oh, where I grew up the owners had a lot of yard space and a few dogs. When they got, um, frisky with each other we'd spray them with cold water so they'd run off.”
“Oh, well. In that case, make sure I'm there,” Stephanie said with a little smile as they stepped down into the main bridge. “But I'm not carrying a torch for Frost,” Stephanie said in an insistent whisper. “I just haven't run into anyone I really want to bunk up with, I guess I'm just envious. I mean, if he can hook up with someone, what's up with me?”
“Riiight,” Ashley teased, rolling her eyes.
When they arrived on the bridge Stephanie sat down beside Agameg Price, who was the Officer of the Watch. Ashley went straight to the pilot's station to get the update from the night shift pilot, a dull brown furred nafalli who had a musical voice, especially when she became excited or agitated. “I'm Ashley,” she said as she sat down in an observer seat that came out of the floor to the right of the nafalli.
“They call me Panloo. Your Captain discovered my application and since my sleep schedule was already disrupted I was put to work,” her big, deep green eyes seemed to twinkle, her smile came easily and her pink nose would twitch occasionally as she spoke. “I slept all the way from Burr Frimm until I caught my connecting transit, then I slept longer still. If there is something else you must do, I could do another entire shift.”
“If it's all the same I'd rather get to the controls early so the computer can keep running me through the system details. The more I know about this boat the better I'll feel about the Captain keeping me as his lead pilot.”
“You've served under this Captain before?”
“For a couple years, I was his pilot aboard the Samson,” Ashley brimmed. “He trained me personally.”
“That must have been interesting.” Panloo checked their hyperspace status and locked the controls. “I've never been on a ship like this before. Even when there's nothing really happening we're all running through simulations and tutorials. It's so exciting.”
“Where did you work before?”
“I've worked on the Thissilus. It was a-”
“Two hundred seventy thousand ton tug. Wow.” Ashley's eyes went wide. “We saw that pull a station into place all on its own when we were visiting Fuldo last year.”
Panloo nodded excitedly. “I was the primary on that job! I was supposed to take work on another tug in the Enreega system this week but you know what happened. When the Captain called for people to work here I couldn't resist. Such an adventure, I'll have so much to tell my family when I return home.”
“Have you ever done combat flying?”
“No, but these simulations are a very good teacher. I can't wait for my next shift.”
“You can run them when you're off duty and fly whatever you like.”
“Are you sure the Captain wouldn't mind? We don't have any way to engage in simulations in the upper berth.”
“You're still set up there?”
“Should I be somewhere else?”
“Security should be able to set you up with more permanent quarters. Are you staying long?”
“As long as the Captain will have me I think. I'm very happy to be here, my other jobs were very boring.”
“You do know who Captain is, right? What he does?” Ashley asked quietly.
“I do. Someone in the upper berth had a subscription to Hart News and we were watching his speeches and missions on holoprojectors. He's very good at what he does. I remember seeing you on a couple of them too! I should have recognized you, I'm sorry.”
Ashley laughed. She had met with nafalli before, the younger ones were generally very excitable and chatty. This one was particularly talkative, but she was interesting and pleasant. “I never do anything exciting in those. I'm normally hiding until the Captain tells me to take the controls or running back to the ship.”
“I saw the one where the Captain stormed a small bridge, and while people were still fighting you snuck up to the controls and started flying! That must have been so much fun!”
“It was terrifying to be honest. I try to avoid firefights whenever I can, I'd suggest you do the same,” Ashley said with a smile.
“You're right I suppose, but to come back alive and retell the story. That's something my people prize.”
“I'll tell it to you from my end sometime. Did anything interesting happen on watch?”
“The simulations were the most interesting part, I got to do a decelerating strafe while the deck crew simulated fighter launches. Did you know this ship could launch twenty eight fighters and a gunship at the same time? They drop out of ports in the bottom of the ship while the gunship launches from a main bay.”
“I had no idea. Do we have fighters?”
“I think I overheard them say we don't have any working, but there wasn't much time to chat.”
“Well, I'll take the pilot's seat. You should go see Stephanie in a few minutes. She'll set you up with quarters. I think the Captain is also making sure everyone has a vacsuit and a C&C module.”
“C&C module?”
Ashley held up her arm and tapped it so Panloo could see hers. “It's a Command and Control Unit, a computer with one or two small holoprojectors, lots of storage, a couple data interfaces and a two dimentional display.”
“Oh, that's much nicer than my old one.”
“It also makes vacsuits and other clothing with a materializer inside. You'll probably be able to make one once you get into your new quarters.”
“Thank you Ashley, I'll tell you where my quarters are as soon as I'm settled in.”
“You're welcome, enjoy your time off.” Ashley said with a smile as she looked over the ship's hyperspace profile and status. Her copilot was just starting to check in with the exhausted looking fellow he was replacing.
“It's like a city, or a space station in hyperspace, and it's getting better,” Price said to Stephanie from the command chair. She always wished she knew the traits of his race better, she found him so difficult to read. Most of them changed their shape to look more human so they could fit in more easily, but Agameg seemed to care less and less. She remembered when she was first getting to know him aboard the Samson. For the first few months no one even knew he was a shape shifter. He had a very plain default human male appearance he had gotten used to transforming into and used it whenever anyone was around, even in his sleep.
As he spent more time with the crew, got to know them, he used that guise less and less until he would occasionally imitate someone from the crew for fun. He was one of the most good natured people she had ever met, and on a ship that collected misfits and cast offs like a carcass attracts flies, it was difficult to find someone who had a genuinely good heart.
“How is it getting better?” she asked.
“The Captain has been assembling a chain of command, and people are starting to fall into place. Cynthia and Jane have found several security violations, and the brig has a few more people in it, but for the most part the crew are stepping into line and performing their duties. There are many military on board and some of the civilians are following their examples.”
“I'm sure offering everyone a C&C helped as well.”
“Only people with their own quarters were offered that privilege. I'm sure the Captain will have them distributed more widely after we've reached port. He expects anyon
e not tied to a post will be leaving the ship straight away. They're the only restless people aboard according to what I've seen last night. Everyone else has so much to do. The post they're working tells them what tasks they have to perform then they're free to participate in any of the ongoing simulations the Captain and Liam started.”
“Did the Captain sleep last night?”
“I don't know. He spent some time with me last night after the celebrating wound down. Then he went into his quarters until Jane ran into trouble.”
“What kind of trouble?”
“The Captain wanted to tell you about that himself. He's in his ready quarters.”
“You'll be okay while I report?” Asked Stephanie.
“I can stand watch a while longer,” Agameg said with a nervous smile.
Stephanie braced herself as she made her way to the front of the bridge and waited for the door to open. It took a minute, but then the heavy arms pulled the armoured door out of the hatchway to admit her. Captain Valance was looking over an interior holographic scan of a skull. “You're early.”
“So's Ashley, but she's enjoying her new post.”
“And you?”
“I'm pretty sure I'll be happy to work security here.”
“You mean run security. Have a seat Stephanie.”
She sat down in the center chair in front of his desk.
“I'm trying to organize the crew into a military style hierarchy. There have been a few fights and some confusion, so it's necessary. We need order aboard, especially since it looks like we'll be taking on at least another six hundred volunteers when we arrive in port. That head hunter idea you sent me is working out. Almost all the civilians are disembarking and all the military are remaining aboard. They're falling in line well enough, but you'll have to start selecting specific teams and getting to know the people at the top.”
“How many infantry and security specialists do you think we're getting?”
“About a quarter of the volunteers would fit in with your people and won't be used on the gunnery deck.”
Stephanie found herself smiling. “I hope Jane is ready to work with me on this.”
Captain Valance's expression darkened. “She was killed last night.”
“What happened?”
“The night watch picked up a series of encrypted transmission bursts coming from the aft section. Someone had actually gotten our main communications suite working properly without authorization. We still haven't figured out what they were sending, but when Jane Eccleston reported to investigate they tripped an antipersonnel mine. She and her squad were killed instantly. I managed to track down the woman who was behind it, but she killed herself before I could get any useful information.”
“Who was she?”
“Majorel Cillien, One of the crew members we inherited from Wheeler. She was reporting something to Regent Galactic I imagine, but we can't even be sure of that yet. It must have been important if she needed the main comm array, time sensitive. Said she was a West Keeper. I'm sure there's a story behind that, but I have no idea what it is.”
“You should have woken me.”
“I took care of it, you didn't seem like you were in any condition to get on it yourself.”
“Sorry sir.”
“Don't worry about it. Last night was a bad time for people to celebrate, but I think a lot of us needed an impromptu wake. We won't be doing any more of that until we have things settled aboard ship. Part of that is getting you in touch and in command. Are you ready?”
Stephanie took a long deep breath and nodded. “As I'll ever be. I'll be working with Jane's second in command?”
“It looks like, but don't lean on him too much. He had been with Jane for a long time. Use your Lieutenants as much as you can. Just listen to them, delegate, walk the ship and check your watches. You'll do fine,” Captain Valance said with a smile.
“Aye, my training prepared me for this, I just never thought I would be in command on a ship this size.”
“Oh, and you should move into your quarters across the hall. They'll be marked on the roster. I've also assigned quarters to your Lieutenants, anything below that and they're in the ensign berth, two to a room. We'll have single occupant quarters opening up as your teams clear them. I'm thinking you Chiefs can divide them amongst yourselves and use them to reward members of your staff.”
“That's a good idea, I'll see about having the teams sweep those sections, but I'm sure there are higher priorities right now.” She looked for the information on her command unit and found the roster as well as the current watches and living space assignments. Stephanie looked back up to Jake and smiled. He didn't notice, all his attention was back on the detailed internal scan floating above his desk. “Can I ask what that is sir?”
“It's my head. I got paranoid after what happened to Wheeler and Jonas, was wondering if there was anything extra in my system. I found a receiver embedded in the base of my skull. When I highlighted it the computer offered a solution,” he held out a red pill.
“It's Freeground technology. Wheeler added it to the materializer database nine years ago. The materializers on Freeground are high resolution enough to create perfect nanobots. Luckily Sol System materializers are the same quality or better, so I made these ones. They'll break the receiver down and it'll be processed out of my system.”
“That's almost too simple.”
“Well, yes and no. I almost missed it, like I said.”
“Going to take that any time soon sir?”
“I will, but I needed you to know what I was doing before I went ahead with it, just in case something goes wrong.”
“Good point.”
“There's one more thing before you go. Today you should take the time to organize, delegate, make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to do and where they're supposed to be. Tomorrow you'll be going planetside to meet with a contact of Frost's, he has some serious intelligence on how Regent Galactic is operating out here.”
“Shouldn't I stay behind to supervise the new crew?”
“That'll be the first test for your second in command and your Lieutenants.”
“A test of trust. A little early, but I could see it working out.”
“Aye, and if there's any major trouble, I can call you back to the ship.”
“Sounds good. Are you going planetside sir?”
“I hope I can handle everything from the ship. I'll be dealing with the Aucharian government, the port authority and the military base here will most likely have something to say to us when their qualified people start boarding the Triton and not returning to the barracks. We're sniping their people with the help of the military that's aboard already. That could get real ugly, wish me luck.”
“You might just need it. How is Alice doing?”
“All right, tired. She's sleeping now. I think she wants to take a bridge watch.”
“Aye. From what I understand she went through officer training with Jonas. That, and she lived through his first and part of his second tour. She might be the most qualified we have. We'll see how she feels when the dust clears. She's been through a lot.”
“A bridge watch though; you just met her yesterday.”
“I know, I'll have someone from the Samson crew on deck with override codes just in case. Something tells me that I don't have much to worry about though, and showing faith in her early on is important. I know I'm feeling a little off balance after yesterday, so I couldn't imagine what she's going through.”
“I know I'd be confused for a start. Maybe a little angry.” Stephanie stood and started to leave. As the door opened she turned around and looked at the Captain, who was just about to take the red pill. “Are we really doing this sir? I mean, Price had it right earlier when he said this is like running an entire city.”
Captain Valance grinned at her and nodded. “Oh, we're doing it and you're the law on this ship as of this
morning. Can you handle it?”
“Aye sir, this I can handle.”
Grace Templeton
“How could you let Valent in the same room with Wheeler?” asked Hampon. His angular face was exaggerated thanks to the low quality two dimentional video feed.
“I wasn't anywhere near the brig. Majorel was supposed to be on watch but was retasked. She couldn't exactly take a nap in the next cell. Neither of us knew what would happen.”
“When you were assigned to the Triton we hoped you could handle your people. I'm starting to wonder if we assessed your capabilities incorrectly.”
“I tried to get Valent in stasis after he was exposed to Wheeler, but even he knew there was a chemical reaction under way.”
“Where was your deactivation solution?”
“Regent Galactic never gave me a formula for one. All I could do was send Majorel to get word to you as soon as possible and ensure there was no way to find out what intelligence she was sending. We're doing our best here, but I can only do so much while keeping my cover. This ship is getting organized fast and I'm in a highly visible position. The Minister's failure to gain control was a big setback,” she whispered hurriedly.
“Minister Lorne? He was a peon, a distraction big enough to give your brothers and sisters time to secure their positions. The likelihood of him taking the ship by force was never greater than fifty percent. If we really wanted to use such a grand method of taking over the Triton we would have sent someone Valance would respect for five minutes. Where are they keeping him?”
“In the brig. I was sure he was meant to take the ship so we could exert more control, maybe even keep Jonas and Wheeler apart.”
Hampon sighed and nodded. “The chances of Jonas Valent being present just as Wheeler was detonated were very low, I will grant you. Losing him will cost us dearly. We were hoping he could remain close to Alice and give us an insight into her. Did they discover his data collector?”
“No, there was no autopsy. He died off ship. I was told there was nothing to recover.”